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Willow Run Veterinary Clinic

Financial Resources

At Willow Run Veterinary Clinic, we believe that paying for your pet's veterinary care should be as stress-free as possible.

Financial Resources for Pet Owners in Need:


Crowdsourcing platform that helps applicant crowdsource funds for pet care. Funds will go directly to the crowdfunding campaigner via direct deposit to either the hospital or the pet parent. It is similar to gofundme, but the funds would go directly to the veterinary hospital and the clients can share the website to get donations for their pets' care.

RedRover Relief

Donations raised to provide suppport for emergency medical expenses of people’s pets. It is focused on life threatening funding. On average the funds provide $250 towards medical care. Average grant is $250 but they have private donors available to help with emergency or life saving care after a diagnosis has been made. There is an application process and funds are not guaranteed.

The Pet Fund

Angel fund that provides funding for medical care for pets. Not useful for emergency funds. This fund is for nonurgent veterinary care. It requires an application process and there is often an extended time between application, approval, and dispensing of funds. The application is submitted by the pet owner.

Frankie’s Friends - National Fund

Angel fund that provides funding for pets facing life-threatening emergencies or in need of life-enhancing specialty care. This fund is applied for by the client and if awarded goes directly to be used for veterinary care. It is for emergency or specialty care where a good prognosis is likely to occur following treatment and has a limit of $2000 per application.

Frankie’s Friends - JLACF Fund

Angel fund that provides funding for pets in need of financial assistance for cancer treatments, under the care of veterinary oncologist. Funds are directed towards family pets in need of oncology treatment and are nonreimbursable.

Frankie’s Friends - Bond Fund

Angel fund that provides funding for pets in need of financial assistance for specialty eye care, being treated by a veterinary ophthalmologist. Funds are used for emergency eye care at a veterinary ophthalmologist where treatment will likely lead to a good quality of life. Funds are not reimbursable.

Bow Wow Buddies Foundation

Angel fund that provides funding for urgent medical careand aiding with veterinary bills for serious conditions. Funds are used for emergency care for veterinary patients facing serious health challenges or emergencies up to $2500 for families in need. It can take 30 days for funds to be dispensed and can be used for reimbursements.

Brown Dog Foundation

Angel fund that provides medical and emergency care for pets. Funds are used to help cover medical care for pets. It takes 2-5 days to be approved and an application does not gaurantee an amount of coverage. Cases are reviewed for acceptance. Clients apply for the grants directly.

Friends and Vets Helping Pets

Angel fund that provides funding for pets needing treatments for curable diseases. Funds are used for life saving or emergency procedures, not diagnostics. The client applies for funds directly and must demonstrate financial need. The vet is required to discount services by 10-15% and then grants can cover the procedure.

Harley’s Hope Foundation

Angel fund that provides vouchers for one-time emergency assistance (capped at $150). Funds are used for needed veterinary care when a diagnosis is made and a favorable outcome is expected with treatment. The pet must be current on routine care, and the owner must demonstrate financial need. The owner must have also owned the pet for at least 6 weeks prior to application.


Angel fund that provides funding for medical care for pets. This fund aims at helping disabled, seniors, or children of the working poor, and recipients must demonstrate financial need for veterinary care for pets.

Hope Mending Hearts

Angel fund that provides funding for medical care for pets. The funds are typically $100-200 for pet owners that demonstrate financial need that require life saving treatment for their pets. Pets must be spayed/neutered and previously well taken care of. There is an application process and funds are not gauranteed.

Molly’s Hope

Angel fund that provides funding for emergency medical care for pets. The typical grants range between $300 - $400. In order to be considered for a grant, they require a completed grant application, income documentation (pay stub, benefits award letter, tax returns), diagnosis, prognosis and estimate of treatment cost from your vet.

The Mosby Foundation

Angel fund that provides funding for medical care for pets. The animals must be spayed and neutered. Funds are for emergency or life saving care with a focus on neglect or abused animals. Funds cannot be used for reimbursement and may take time for dispensement. Application is submitted via the client.

Waggle Foundation

Crowdfunding through a nonprofit organization where funds go directly to the veterinary facility for payment of medical care for a pet.

Pet Crowdfunding for Help with Vet Bills | Waggle

Paws 4 A Cure

Nonprofit that provides financial assistance to clients that demonstrate financial need for nonroutine veterinary care related to illness, injury, or emergencies.

Paws 4 A Cure is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides financial assistance throughout the United States to those who cannot afford veterinary care for their beloved furry family members. Paws 4 A Cure helps dogs and cats with all illnesses and injuries. Paws 4 A Cure does not discriminate against breed, age, or diagnosis.